What is Ecommerce?

Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, across the Internet.

Ecommerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance.

At StepChange Design we will find you the best e-commerce strategy nailed for your business.

Our websites will support your sale and business process; and promote online access to your customers by means such as paypal and credit card.

Additional functions and features are also available suitable to your requirements.

E-commerce Plan

The road to creating a successful online store can be a difficult if unaware of ecommerce principles and what ecommerce is supposed to do for your online business. Researching and understanding the guidelines required to properly implement an e-business plan is a crucial part to becoming successful with online store building.


Shopping Card

Online Store

There are many types of software that you can use to build, edit and maintain an online store. This can either be a new site developed from scratch, or an existing site to which you can add ecommerce shopping cart capabilities. Also take shipping into consideration.
To start an online business it is best to find a niche product that consumers have difficulty finding in malls or department stores.

Online Payment

Online Payment

The next step, you need a means of accepting online payments. This usually entails obtaining a merchant account and accepting credit cards through an online payment gateway (some smaller sites stick with simpler methods of accepting payments such as PayPal).




Ecommerce can be a very rewarding venture, but you cannot make money overnight.
It is important to do a lot of research on ecommerce, work hard and make business decisions based on the facts.